Living Gold

Living Gold is a project about the role and responsibility of humans in cultivating the Earth. Caring for the land is an expression of who we are. We crave scintillating and supported creation and plants are no different. All of us require tools and nourishment to express our full potential. Plants and animals help give that nourishment to us, and we have an obligation to give it back to them. It all starts with the soil. 


The goal of this project was to create a design process that begins garment design with agriculture - fashion that considers soil health. The choices we make about color, quality, fabric, and fiber happens before the materials for the garment are planted. If we engage in garment design as if each item is a crop, we can look at the entire design process as a closed loop agricultural system. One that, like all agricultural process, has the potential to transform the land for the better at every step. Design begins with the soil.



